10 de agosto de 2009


De tantos projectos pendentes que tenho entre mãos, estes são os de maior envergadura e os dois que tenho mesmo muita urgência em acabar. Já vos falei do Quilt Summer Days que já fiz e refiz. Este é o aspecto dele actual, já sem as partes amarelas, só azul, branco e verde. Está mais ou menos a metade!
For those who can not read in portuguese i am starting to translate my posts to you. Sorry for my rusty english but i am trying my very best! So i have many projects in hands and i have posted before about my Summer Days Quilt. It has been done and undone a few times and now this is just how it looks! I like the way he is coming but this is only one half! Still much to do!Entretanto estava desejosa de começar o Quilt da Bebé Carolina e trabalhei até à exaustão até conseguir acabar o primeiro bloco e ver o resultado! Adorei! O Quilt Top vai ser a repetição deste bloco até ter a dimensão que eu quero!
My last post was about another quilt. It's a Quilt for Baby Caroline (Carolina in portuguese). We are expeting her in early september. She is the first baby of a dear friend. After i came up with the drawing i just had to start sewing it and finish the first block! And this is how it looks! I just love it! Can't wait to have it ready!
O fim de semana foi de brincadeira com um bocadinho de praia também. Um sábado em familia com os primos todos e horas e horas de brinacdeira e uma nova mania. Desde que a prima Beatriz nasceu a Mafalda quer ser pequenina e senta-se assim ao meu colo e aninha-se tal e qual um bebé e ainda choraminga como a prima faz! Lembra-se disto vezes e vezes durante um dia! Se é assim com a prima talvez seja melhor não pensar em manos!
We had a great wekeend, on saturday we went to the beach and in the afternon we had a family reunion with all the cousins, the aunts, the grandparents and the great grandparent. Every since my niece was born Mafalda started to act sometimes like a litle baby and she comes to me and sits and nest like a baby and she even cry like a newborn just for me to hold her tight and kiss her like we do with the new baby. If she acts like this with her cousin maybe i should not think in giving her litle brothers!

1 comentário:

Karen - Quilts...etc. disse...

cute little quilt. I have heard that a lot of little children act like a baby when they are jealous but it usually passes quickly.

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